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Intro, Capital and Legal Structure 15/09/2021

History and Discussion of Business 15/09/2021

Cashflows 15/09/2021

Investment Discussion 15/09/2021
The €63m received from the repayment of a vendor note (relating to the sale of the UK Business) was
Atalian Revenue and EBITDA were in line with our estimates, but the operating environment is difficult, and there is little reason to believe it will improve
Please find our updated analysis here.
Atalian is again struggling to pass increased costs through to French clients. The impact will hurt this year’s results and will continue to weigh in 2025. Lower pass
The renewal of Atalian's €250m factoring line did not surprise us. After sticking with Atalian through a restructuring, withdrawing the
An inability to pass through higher costs to clients continues to drag on Atalian’s results; the company also admitted that full recovery of higher wages will not happen in
Q2 results from Atalian were weaker than expected due to continued difficulties passing through higher costs in the French business. Full-year guidance has
The jailing of Franck Julien will not impact Atalian badly. Atalian has a CEO in place and needs to focus on operational success over the
The results were below our forecasts, and despite reiterating FY guidance Atalian will need to work hard on pass-throughs over the rest of the
Please find our updated analysis here.
Atalian has pushed out its maturity issues to June 2028. Leverage will come down slowly and will be 6.5x at the end of 2027. The new bonds are trading a
Having got >90% consent in each of its bonds, Atalian can now bind holdouts under the bond documents and avoid the need for a
Having passed the 67% minimum consent level (73.8%), Atalian can proceed with its exchange plan via an accelerated safeguard process. The deadline for
Find our updated analysis, here.
We have decided to take a position in the Atalian 2024 bonds. We had a spirited conversation after we published our email on the
Please find our updated analysis here.
Atalian’s proposed Exchange Offer is coercive but is close enough to our DCF valuation for the additional recovery to be only worthwhile if you see a significant upside in the company projections, which we do not. We are unconvinced that
Atalian have reached an agreement with the ad-hoc bondholder group to extend maturities of the 2024 and both 2025 bonds until June 2028, with the new bonds having (3.5% cash and 5% PIK coupon). In addition, €400m of cash, split €240m of rate
The completion of the sale of US assets to GDI offers an exit from Atalian's issues in the US unit but makes little difference to cash. As we commented recently, the
Maximilien Pellegrini has left after only a few months, the Strategic Plan has not emerged, and now we have the sale of the US assets. Turning around the
Investors expect to see clear plans for refinancing the 2024 and 2025 bonds when Atalian’s strategic plan is published in late September. We have no
Please see our updated analysis here.
Atalian’s upcoming strategic plan needs to address several issues; 1) how to refinance both the 2024/2025 bonds, 2) whether the refinance operation can be split, and 3) how to generate enough free cash flow to cover coupon >1.5x. Atalian’s pitch to
Please find our unchanged analysis here. We are reserving the update for next month.
In September, Atalian will present its strategic plan aimed to pacify bondholders, whilst leaving the equity in charge of the business. Meanwhile, we are awaiting answers from IR, which have been delayed by the plan and summer leave. Previously, management has
The reports of bondholders retaining a legal advisor is a surprise but not a shock. Atalian has intimated that it would redeem part of the 2024 bonds, but this