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Intro, Cap, Legal Structure-12Dec24

Model - 12 Dec 24

Business and Industry - 12 Dec 24

Way Forward, Options Available - 12 Dec 24

CAPEX and Background - 12 Dec 24

Q&A, Investment Discussion - 12 Dec 24

Current Situation - 12 Dec 24
Kem One bondholders have organised under law firm Paul Hastings, to provide additional new money or, more importantly, to ensure any new money providers don’t
Kem One bondholders have appointed Paul Hasting as legal adviser as the Company struggles with continued weakness in the PVC market. It is reported that
Please find our model on Kem One here.
After a brief conversation on the desk, the consensus is that Kem One is not investible at the current time. The current outlook for PVC and caustic soda, especially given the excess capacity in the European market, implies EBITDA will remain subdued in