- Below is the Victoria PLC Live Discussion, edited into smaller videos for your convenience - for speed listening, go to the settings wheel on the bottom right of the video and choose playback speed - after one minute video becomes high-resolution -

Intro, Cap and Legal Structure - 22 Nov 24

Game Theory - 22 Nov 24

Company - 22 Nov 24

Q&A - 22 Nov 24

Situational Overview - 22 Nov 24

Investment Discussion - 22 Nov 24

Modeling 22 Nov 24
Market chatter confirms that £27m VIctoria RCF was auctioned yesterday, but we can't confirm if it traded. This follows a similar size piece that
Moody's downgraded Victoria plc Senior Secured bonds to Caa1 from B3 keeping outlook negative, driven by the refinancing risk associated with upcoming
Victoria Plc released a Q3 update, confirming its trading outlook expectations to be in line with market consensus. Overall, market consensus is
The Spruce House Partnership has effectively left the share register in Victoria Plc, reducing its exposure to 3.8%. Spruce House historically had
Fitch has caught up with the reality of Victoria's situation and downgraded the bonds to B+ from BB. This is a reaction to the deterioration of EBITDA as
A new shareholder has appeared on Victoria’s register, Philosophy Capital Management LLC, with a 6.6% stake. In context, this is a £3m position and
The share register in Victoria Plc continues to evolve as The Spruce House Partnership exits its position. From holding 20.7% at year-end, they have reduced to
Victoria Plc released their full H1 24/25 numbers, with investors focusing firmly on the outlook. There was no mention of negotiations with bondholders with
Before releasing their H1 numbers next Tuesday (26th), the Company has announced the sale of its ceramic business in Turkey. Cash proceeds are
We will be hosting a call on Victoria on Friday 22nd. Victoria Plc confirmed their previous guidance issued in early October that H2 will see
Please find our model on Victoria Plc here.
Victoria has seen an 18-month downturn in demand, which has reduced EBITDA from c. £150m to an expected £60m for FYE Mar-'25. The Company has
S&P has downgraded Victoria to B—with a negative outlook due to increasing leverage and upcoming maturities,